What’s the Secret to Writing a Great Blog for Your Website?

What's the secret to writing a great blog for your website?

Blogs are a great way to add fresh, relevant, and compelling content to your website on a regular basis — something that will satisfy both your readers and the search engines.

But many people feel overwhelmed by the thought of having to create written content for their website on an ongoing basis.

So, what’s the secret to writing a great blog for your website?

Here are three secrets that will help you write your website blog:

A blog is a conversation

Focus on writing the way you would speak to a friend, in a conversational tone. Avoid jargon and technical language. A great way to get started with a new blog article is to pretend you are answering a client’s question. Start by stating the question, such as, “What’s the secret to writing a great blog for your website?” Then proceed to answer the question in a conversation.

Write with a specific client in mind

Often, it’s easier to answer a client’s question if you first imagine which client you’re talking to. Then think about the kind of question he or she might ask. Since each of your clients is likely to face unique problems or challenges that your business could solve for them, think about what those challenges might be. I always write to a client that I have in mind each time I write a blog article.

Set aside a specific time each day or week to write

Since most of what I write comes from the people I meet each week and the questions they have, I find it is easier to organize my thoughts if I know that I will be sitting-down to blog at a set time of the day or week. That way, writing is never nagging at me in the back of my mind; there is time set aside for it that I look forward to. What could be more rewarding than knowing you are sharing ideas that could help another business owner?

Remember, blog writing should not feel like a chore. If blogging is causing you aggravation or frustration, you are most likely over-thinking the problem.

Carve out a quiet time of day or night, brew yourself a nice cup of coffee or herbal tea, and have a conversation with one of your clients. Over time, you’ll find that your well-written blog articles can get found on the search engines and will be responsible for driving curious (and qualified) visitors to your website.

And isn’t that the point of blogging?